Where to See Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC

Updated: April 5th, 2023 | Posted by: Grace Kim

You’ll know when Spring is right around the corner when cherry blossoms slowly start peaking.

Since 1912, the National Cherry Blossom Festival has been celebrated in Washington D.C. as Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo City gifted the trees to better the relationship between the United States and Japan. Fast forward almost a century later and the cherry blossom trees have still been actively blooming in the beginning of Spring!

So if you’re planning on catching the cherry blossoms at full peak in Washington DC, you’ll come across more photographers than you can imagine.

Photographers and news reporters arrive at Tidal Basin to capture the blossoms at full peak a lot earlier than the sun will rise, ensuring they snag the best spots to get their shots.

where to see cherry blossoms in dc 2021
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Note that due to the coronavirus pandemic, The National Park Service will be limiting access to Tidal Basin, East Potomac Park and West Potomac Park. Check the National Mall NPS Twitter account for updates.

>> Read More: Best 4 Free Washington DC Attractions

Best time to see cherry blossoms in DC

Every year, it’s projected that the best time to see cherry blossoms in DC are between the last week of March till the first week of April. However, there have been cases in the past where they’ve peaked as early as mid-March to as late as mid-April.

But with a number of factors determining when the cherry blossoms will be in full peak, you can never be fully sure predicting exact dates.

thomas jefferson memorial sunrise
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sunrise and sunset direction at tidal basin
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Direction of sunrise + sunset at Tidal Basin

Where to see cherry blossoms in DC

The most popular spot to see cherry blossoms in DC are at Tidal Basin. With about 3,000 Yoshino Cherry Blossom Trees hugging the basin, make the effort to arrive as early as possible to snap your shots of the blossoms framing Thomas Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument.

Although the most popular spot, I personally think that the best place to see cherry blossoms in Washington DC is also at the Tidal Basin. You just can’t go wrong with capturing the blossoms with the basin as a backdrop. And if you’re angling yourself correctly, you can even capture the blossoms and the basin with the Thomas Jefferson Memorial over sunrise.

Yes, there are also other places to see the cherry blossoms, such as Hains Point Loop Trail and the U.S. National Arboretum, but there’s a reason it gets super crowded at Tidal Basin!

  • How far is it around Tidal Basin?

The Tidal Basin Loop Trail is approximately 2.1 miles long. So if you’re planning on walking around the entire basin, I recommend wearing comfortable shoes and bringing enough water to last a few hours since purchasing water isn’t accessible within the vicinity.

Best time to see cherry blossoms at Tidal Basin

Whether you’re a morning person or not, get ready to set your alarm earlier than you probably do for work. With the popularity of chasing cherry blossoms in DC, the best time to see cherry blossoms at Tidal Basin is at sunrise. Not only will there be less people in the way of your shots, but during the Spring, the sun rises beautifully east of Washington Monument, as you’ll get a burst of color with hopeful clouds.

Peak Bloom Prediction Chart

According to NPS, it’s almost impossible to predict when the cherry blossoms will be in peak bloom more than 10 days in advance. In 2021, peak bloom for Cherry Blossoms in DC came earlier than expected. Initially projected between April 2-5, peak bloom happened on March 28. That’s why it’s extremely important to check live updates through the live BloomCam .

If you’re wondering when the cherry blossoms bloom in DC, it’s all really dependent on recent weather conditions. Notice that from the chart below, from 2004 to 2021, peak bloom wasn’t on the same date every year. Instead, the dates varied between 2 weeks, from the end of March to the beginning on April.

peak bloom prediction chart washington dc
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(Peak Bloom Prediction Chart supplied by NPS)

Photo Ideas when Capturing the Cherry Blossoms

With thousands of cherry blossom trees wrapping around the tidal basin, there are so many photo ideas and opportunities to take that will make it look like you’ve been capturing the blossoms for days as opposed to a couple of hours.

These photos were taken with a Sony a6400 camera with an f/1.8 85mm lens. All photos taken were directed and edited by me, as I’ve been able to find a handful of unique compositions around the Tidal Basin.

Listed are some portrait photo ideas to take at the Tidal Basin:

portraits at the tidal basin capturing cherry blossoms
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Sit on an edge along the banks
tidal basin cherry blossom photos
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Capture a compressed shot with the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in the background
cherry blossoms in dc
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Frame yourself in between cherry blossoms
cherry blossoms in washington dc
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Stand underneath one of the blossoms and twirl

Key Takeaways When Chasing Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC

With limited time of being able to capture the cherry blossoms, surely you’ll be snapping endless amount of photos throughout the day ensuring that you’ll have more than enough shots to flip through. From noting best places to see the cherry blossoms to providing portrait photo ideas along the Tidal Basin, remember to note these key takeaways:

  • Arrive to Tidal Basin at least 45 before sunrise to be safe. Cars line up quickly, and you want to ensure you grab a parking spot before spots fill up.
  • If you’re planning on catching sunset, note that it gets extremely packed during sunset. Make sure to arrive at Tidal Basin at least an hour before golden hour to secure a parking spot and your favorite spot at the Basin.
  • Keep tabs on the live BloomCam to check live status of the crowd and blossoms.
  • Turn on notifications on for the National Mall NPS Twitter account and check for live updates.
  • If you’re not in a rush, take the time and walk around the entire basin to view the blossoms at different angles. I highly recommend doing this early in the morning because it’s packed all day long. I arrived at the Tidal Basin on a Tuesday at 6AM and was surprised at how packed it was. I can only imagine what it will be like on the weekends!
  • Wear comfortable shoes because you will be walking a lot. Plus, because of how crowded it gets, there’s a chance someone can step on your foot!
  • Bring enough water since purchasing water is limited within the vicinity.
  • If you’re planning on getting to Tidal Basin via metro, the closest metro station is at the Smithsonian stop, which can be taken from the orange, blue and silver lines.
  • Wear your mask at all times. You will come across some people not wearing their masks but because it does get crowded during peak season, you want to ensure your safety.

Overall, enjoy your time capturing the cherry blossoms in DC. The blossoms are absolutely beautiful as it attracts around 1.5 million visitors into DC every year. And if one of your main goals is to take a bunch of photos, I recommend bringing a couple of outfits.

As the Tidal Basin is the most popular spot to capture the cherry blossoms in Washington DC, don’t forget to enjoy and appreciate your time spent chasing the blossoms at peak bloom.



chasing cherry blossons in washington dc 2021
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tidal basin cherry blossoms
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In December 2019, I quit my 9-5 to experience passion driven pursuits, leading me towards indefinite travels.

Now, I help travel enthusiasts solo travel, plan indefinite trips, and how to explore the outdoors. And through travel, blogging and photography, I also share and teach others how to obtain this non-linear lifestyle.

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