Traveling is a hobby and activity that most people like to pursue. We save our limited, PTO days at work in order to make the best trip of the year! Don’t tell me you don’t count down the days till your trip, right? I believe that traveling is super therapeutic and makes people a lot more open minded and exposed to culture, people, and the world.
Want to travel more often? Should you travel more often?
I think you know the answer to this! And for these reasons, I explain eight reasons on why you should travel more often.
Transcribed YouTube Video
Why You Should Travel More Often
(you are missing out if you don’t!)
There are obviously so many reasons why I think that you should travel,
but I’m going to be laying out just 8 for you.
1. You Are Exposed to Culture
And I’m sure that you’ve lived in your hometown, where you grew up in for plenty of years where you’ve become super accustomed it and you haven’t experienced and explored the world outside of your own home, your state, and your country.
You learn so much about how people interact with others on a whole other level that you would never experience ever. It almost shocks you, and you get so surprised that the way some people are, the way they act, or their values just because of where they’ve grown up.
Traveling as seriously opened up my eyes to all of that times infinitely… infin… infinitely. Yeah, I said it right the first time.
2. You Become More Open Minded and Appreciative
Travel makes you a lot more open minded and appreciative. I had a lot of my relatives come over to my place yesterday for dinner, and my grandfather was talking about all his experiences on escaping Korea during the war and how he came to America with my two grandmothers.
But they talked about how they literally had to survive with absolutely nothing, and they would just pray to God that they would find their mother, which is my great grand-mother, who is still alive at 102. God bless her.
But, they were talking about how privileged we are because if they didn’t hold onto each other, they would’ve gotten lost.
3. You Learn So Much
You learn so much not only about yourself, but about different people, their lifestyles; and obviously you hear from every single travel blogger out there.
You learn so much of yourself about yourself that you’ve never thought you even had inside of you.
4. You Go Through The Richest & Craziest Experiences
You go through some of the most richest and craziest experiences of your life. I mean, tell me, how many times can you go to the Brooklyn Bridge, every single day? Not everyday, right?
5. You Meet The Coolest People in the World
You meet some of the coolest people in the world. And sometimes you’re supposed to meet some people on purpose for a certain reason, and the world just brings you guys together. And you’re like, “wow”, I did not even expect that to happen.
That has happened to me multiple of times. I’ve met some random-ass people at the airports, literally like on the streets that knew like a friend of a friend, and we somehow connected like that. And you know, these people are the people that you’re gonna be life long friends with. It’s insane. And you know what? Meeting all these people just makes you want to be a better person. I don’t know what it is, but I feel like I just want to be nice all the time now because of all the kind interactions I’ve made.
6. Feel The Freedom
Feel the freedom. The absolute freedom. You have the ability to make your own schedule, your own time. You can wake up and sleep whenever you want to, and you could explore the absolute most of the country that you’re in, or the city that you’re in on your own time.
When you’re in other places, nobody is judging you EXCEPT for You. Okay?! So be the craziest and the weirdest that you want to be. Eat all the food that you want to eat. Meet all the random people that you want. There is absolutely so much freedom.
7. Challenge Yourself
When you’re away, you are exposed to so many different activities that you probably can’t experience in your home culture, right? So go ahead and jump off the highest cliff in the world, or swim with sharks. I mean, a lot of people do that for fun, but people for like myself, I’m so scared of the ocean even though I love like the beach and stuff. But, learn to challenge yourself. Come out of your comfort zone. Do things that literally make you shiver that once you go through that challenge, you’re like hell mo’fkin yeah let me do that again! Because once you do that, the feeling of satisfaction really makes you want to take on more challenges more often. And it might not be every single day, but just the satisfaction of doing something you thought you could never ever ever succeed in, it’s a great feeling.
8. It’s Super Fun
Last but not least, but travel is just super fun. I mean, how many times have you gone on a trip, have come back home, and you just regretted that you went on that trip?! Slim to none, right?!
You are taking time out of your own precious schedule to book these trips, and you’re also spending money that you’ve saved up for months, so why not have the best time of your life? Traveling is super fun as long as you make it fun. You could be with other people or by yourself, but if, as long as you’re just open minded, and you have the courage to just want to learn and have fun, you literally can’t go wrong.
And that’s pretty much a wrap! Those are just 8 reasons out of many on why you should travel, if not, more often.
…how each one of those videos have such different personalities, and I feel like these guys in the back are just in my video. *laughs*
7. Challenge Yourself. Woah, shiz!
I hope I convinced you enough to want to travel more often! Make the time to travel, whether it be the state over, or booking a last minute trip across the globe. Happy travels!
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